How Often Should You Change Running Shoes?

Know when it’s time to replace your running shoes for enhanced performance and injury prevention. Discover the factors that influence the lifespan of a running shoe and how often you should change them.

Understand the Importance of Changing Your Running Shoes

Running with worn-out shoes can lead to discomfort, decreased performance and even injuries. It’s important to understand when to replace them to ensure a healthy and enjoyable running experience.

Recognizing When It’s Time To Replace Your Running Shoes

The lifespan of a running shoe is typically around 300 to 500 miles, but many factors can influence this. These factors include your running style, body weight, and the surface on which you typically run. Additionally, if you start to notice wear and tear on the soles, experience persistent discomfort post-run, or the shoes no longer offer the support and cushioning they once did, it’s time to invest in a new pair.

  • Observing the Shoes: Check the midsole area of the shoes. If there are creases, cracks or compressed areas, it might be time for a change.
  • Consider the Comfort: If you find your shoes to be uncomfortable or lacking in support, it might indicate that they’re worn out.
  • Inconsistent Running: If you’re not maintaining a consistent running schedule, your shoes might wear out faster as they’re not being put to regular use.

How Often Should You Change Your Shoes According to Research?

According to a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, running-related injuries could be prevented by changing shoes more frequently. The study found that runners who replaced their shoes when they covered about 300 to 500 miles were less likely to get injured than those who didn’t.

Keeping a Shoe Rotation

Having a rotation of running shoes can prolong the lifespan of each pair. Different shoe designs promote varying foot movements, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries. This practice also allows each pair of shoes sufficient time to regain their original form between runs.


Changing running shoes regularly is not just about maintaining comfort – it is also crucial for injury prevention and optimum performance. Keep track of your shoe mileage, observe physical changes, and listen to your body. A better understanding of these factors can make a significant difference to your long-term running wellbeing.

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